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Handmade Volume VS Pre-Made Volume

Handmade Volume VS Pre-Made Volume

Do you know what your lash artist is doing while your eyes are closed for 1+ hours?

When choosing a lash artist, you should be asking questions; including “are you using pre-made or handmade volume fans”.

Handmade Volume requires hard work and dedication, extra courses $$ and countless hours of practice and persistence. Handmade Volume is thin individual lashes that the artist fans on the spot before gluing to your natural eyelashes. Whereas pre-made volume does not require much skill and work, as the extension is already bonded in a fan shape for the lash artist to use. Handmade Volume is lightweight, fluffy, thinner at the base and wraps around the natural lash, unlike pre-made fans that have a thicker heavier base and lays across the natural lash. You should not be paying a premium price if someone is using pre-made volume eyelash extensions.

Handmade Volume artists may take longer than a pre-made volume artist, and may be more expensive - but you are a paying for a premium quality service by a dedicated artist.

What is on your eyes? And are you paying according to your lash artists skill level?


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